"Er wordt teveel geschreven en te weinig gelezen".
Frits van Oostrom in an interview with Garrelt Verhoeven in Online Boekensalon, Universitaire Bibliotheek Leiden.
a Reader's diary
"Er wordt teveel geschreven en te weinig gelezen".
Frits van Oostrom in an interview with Garrelt Verhoeven in Online Boekensalon, Universitaire Bibliotheek Leiden.
The letterpress quality and the cream - colored paper are
just splendid. Homer would say "a wonder to behold".
The esthetic quality is especially evident, when I compare it to the Cambridge University Press Sappho translated by Diane J. Rayor and André Lardinois.
The paper of this hardcover edition is of a disturbing
whiteness, so much so, that one has the impression that it is a "print -
on - demand" horror.
But comparing both books reminds me of a problem I often
have when reading historical Folio Society editions. While the Folio's are
often, as objects , unbeatable in look and feel, their content is not of the
highest order in accuracy or actuality.
With 100 fragments more than in the Folio, the Cambridge
edition and translation is the book for the scholar or the enlightened amateur.
The Folio edition however is bilingual and comes with the Greek text.
Finally , the Diane Rayor translation is more cautious,
plainspoken and less manipulative "artistic".
In the Folio's edition, it is Anne Carson translation ( with
all due respect ) that is the predominant voice.
But the Sappho scraps have always been a playground for free
interpretation and association.
All along the year 2022, I crawled slowly further over the lines of Dante
Alighieri's Commedia. One canto each evening before bedtime (if not
distracted by something else).
By now, I finished the Inferno and moved on to the
Purgatorio. Virgil is still guiding Dante, but I expect the elusive Beatrice
any day now.
I am reading Dante's
poetry from a beautiful bilingual hardcover edition in which every canto is
preceded with a synopsis and followed by a detailed commentary.
This is necessary to
orientate oneself within this large and strange medieval canvas. The Reader needs guidance to explain the figures, the
politics, the hates and loves of the poet. I was able to put the Commedia in context
thanks to two excellent and nicely illustrated works that I consult regularly: Dante in Love by A.N.
Wilson and Dante's Divine comedy: a journey without end by
Ian Thomson.
Still, I interrupt my
Dante readings too frequently to plunge into other interesting books.
Recently, while
trawling at book markets, I have been buying second hand "La Pléiade"
editions of French and Classic works still missing in my library. With a bit of
negotiating, one can buy these beautiful orphaned leather-bound tomes at a
third of their actual prices. The beauty of these physical books encourages new readings.
So, it comes that I
have made lengthy reading excursions within the collections of gems written
down by the Greek tragic poets Aeschylus and Sophocles (The Persians,
Prometheus bound, Agamemnon, Oedipus and a few more). Whilst not unknown to me,
these mythical texts read in the spare surviving text is something quite
different than all the modern versions one finds now. (Euripides is planned for
I have now started the
"ordeals of Théagène et Chariclée" better known as the Aethiopica by
Heliodorus of Emesa. An adventure story, playing out in Egypt and what now is known as
Sudan, written 1800 years ago!
While reading
these second hand Pléiades, I have also returned to old
friends, heroes of my youth: Saint -Exupéry for instance with his deep Human
"Terre des Hommes" and "Vol de Nuit". With nearly half a
century gone since my first readings, it is a strange experience to reread
those familiar books through older eyes. The remembrance of the text has been
superseded by the remembrance of the experience of my first
My dear Father passed
away in the last days of 2021. While cleaning up the apartment where he and my mom lived, I have sifted through hundreds of his books and
divided them with my sisters. The sheer number of volumes forced us to still
give boxes filled away. Cleaning up the library of a loved one is a difficult
process. Each book a memory, each quote a remembered moment.
Dipping in and out my
Dad's best loved books: Histoire de France by Jacques Bainville, Histoire de France et s'amuser, Les rois
maudits by Druon
Totally different
but a great experience nonetheless was the reading of the Anabasis by Xenophon. Especially experiencing it in the splendid Robert Strassler's Landmark edition. What a brilliant
series! I can’t wait for THE LANDMARK Polybius which is
expected for 2023.
Another Classic, as
fresh as 2000 years ago was "The Poetics" by Aristotle translated,
rearranged and introduced by Philip Freeman. Both books enthused me enough to
write a review.
I also read two Herzog's this year. The Twilight World
is a short story about Hiroo Onada, a Japanese officer hiding on the island of
Lubang in the Philippines, who misses the end WW2 and remains in hiding until
1972. In the last days of the year, I rushed through Herzog
latest memories "Jeder für sich und Gott gegen alle: Erinnerungen. He
fills in the last gaps of his biography, settles some scores and excuses
himself for a few of the errors he made in his life. What a Man!
Heinrich Mann's (
Thomas' brother ), Professor Unrat ( Better known as the blue Angel ), I could
not finish for the moment.
But I did finish
Bartleby, the Scrivener by Melville, not the original book, but the story
memorized and retold within the scope of the Art project "time has fallen
asleep in the afternoon sunshine" by Mette Edvardsen
I read another Harsch,
Adriatica Deserta / Kramberger with Monkey and enjoyed it. I hope that with his
Eddy Vegas book, now in
an American edition, he can make his breakthrough.
Finally, two books that I read with a lot of pleasure: "The Bookseller of Florence: The Story of the Manuscripts That
Illuminated the Renaissance" by Ross King (2021) and "The
Burgundians" by Bart Van Loo. Both books were very instructive. One about the history of Florence at the
moment of the introduction of the first printing press. The other about a large
chunk of history when the Kings of France competed with the dukes of Flanders
about the hegemony of Western Europe.
First prize
goes to Xenophon.
Once more a great
reading year.
While visiting the fair for Artbooks in Ghent, I was attracted by a stand with slim books where they sold transcripts of books learned by heart and remembered by readers. These works were the results of the Art project "time has fallen asleep in the afternoon sunshine" by Mette Edvardsen, who, inspired by the characters of Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451, enthused participants to become living books.
picture by Natasha Juhnov |
There was such a man.
Three decades ago, there was, in far-away
Slovenia, a self-made businessman with presidential ambitions, orating to his
fellow-citizens with a monkey on his shoulder.
He was killed. Someone shot him down, just
like the Kennedy's. They caught the suspect; a drunk. Intoxicated he confessed;
sober he denied. But he went to prison all the same.
And the Monkey, asks the narrator, where
was it when the fatal shot rung? Did it call in sick that day ?
So begins Rick Harsch's novel
"Kramberger with Monkey", a wild and runaway exploration on political
murders, rogue reporters, innocent scapegoats, invisible hitmen, murdering
chimps, seedy politicians, ludicrous conspiracy theories, emerging democracies
and coagulating autocracies.
In 44 dazzling funny chapters, and with a
handful of devilishly selected scenes ( both true and fictional ), the author
reminds us of the senselessness of the human comedy played out in an
indifferent world.
As always with Harsch : dark entertainment
shedding light.