15 September 2008: The Folio society order 2009
The Folio’s 2009 Prospectus, was once again crammed with beautifully illustrated masterpieces. After some careful consideration and evaluation of several short-lists, I finally chose Lawrence Durrell’s “Justine”, the first part of the famous Alexandria Quartet, Tom Wolfe’s “Right Stuff”, “The Language instinct” by Steven Pinker, “the Analects” by Confucius, the 1990 Booker prize winner “Possession” by A.S. Byatt and the “Collected short stories” by Gogol.
I was seduced by the superb edition of the “Analects”, but with hindsight, it would have been better to order the other Booker Prize winner in the prospectus : “The remains of the day” by Ishiguro.
“Justine” ( 19,95 GBP ) and “the Language Instinct” ( 28,95 GBP ) were received in the following weeks together with the “membership renewal” package containing : “History of histories”, “ First Folio”, “ Life” and the Folio’s exquisitely illustrated – too beautiful to use - diary.
“The right Stuff” , the “ Analects” and “Possession” would be dispatched in March 2009 and the Gogol stories in June 2009.
The Folio’s 2009 Prospectus, was once again crammed with beautifully illustrated masterpieces. After some careful consideration and evaluation of several short-lists, I finally chose Lawrence Durrell’s “Justine”, the first part of the famous Alexandria Quartet, Tom Wolfe’s “Right Stuff”, “The Language instinct” by Steven Pinker, “the Analects” by Confucius, the 1990 Booker prize winner “Possession” by A.S. Byatt and the “Collected short stories” by Gogol.
I was seduced by the superb edition of the “Analects”, but with hindsight, it would have been better to order the other Booker Prize winner in the prospectus : “The remains of the day” by Ishiguro.
“Justine” ( 19,95 GBP ) and “the Language Instinct” ( 28,95 GBP ) were received in the following weeks together with the “membership renewal” package containing : “History of histories”, “ First Folio”, “ Life” and the Folio’s exquisitely illustrated – too beautiful to use - diary.
“The right Stuff” , the “ Analects” and “Possession” would be dispatched in March 2009 and the Gogol stories in June 2009.