Thursday, November 12, 2009

Listmania : The Perfect Russian top ten

The Master and Margarita by Boulgakov
Sketches from a Hunters' Album by Turgenev
The Idiot by Fiodor Dostoievski

Dead souls by Nicolas Gogol

A hero of our time by M. Lermontov

Doctor Jivago by Boris Pasternak

Eugene Onegin by Pouchkine
Anna Karennina by Leon Tolstoi

Cancer Ward by Alexander Soljenitsyn

runners up : Kolyma Tales by Varlam Chalamov, The steppe by Tchekov, Fathers and Sons by Turgenev,
'Salt' or the whole 'Red Cavalry' collection by Isaac Babel.,'Queen of Spades' Pushkin,'The Death of Ivan Ilyich' Tolstoy, We by Zamyatin.