These are the books to be read in 2010. I aim for +/- 35 because this seems the number I can reasonably tackle in a year:
a) Still unread from 2009
- “Wolf Hall” by Hillary Mantel ( half-read )
- “My Name Is Red” by Orhan Pamuk ( finished )
- “ Schindler’s Ark” by Thomas Keneally
- “ The sea, the sea” by Iris Murdoch
b) Compulsive
- Booker prize winner 2010
- Herta Muller
c) Advised by friends
- Julien Gracq : Au château d'Argol
- Sketches from a Hunters' Album by Turgenev
- Dead souls by Nicolas Gogol ( finished )
- A hero of our time by M. Lermontov ( finished )
- Eugene Onegin by Pouchkine ( finished )
- “Myra” by Gore Vidal
- “The Sot-weed factor” by John Barth
- “Giles Goat Boy” by
- “Invisible Man” by Ralph Elisson
- “Les Miserables” by Hugo
- “The Age of Innocence” by Edith Warton
- “The Heart is a lonely hunter” by Carson Mc Cullers
- “As I lay dying” or “Absolom, Absolom” by Faulkner
- "Kaputt" by Malaparte
- "Raymond Roussel"
- "A passage to India" by Foster
- "Journal" by Jules Renard
- "All That Is Solid Melts into Air: The Experience of Modernity" by Marshall Berman
- Short stories by Saki
- The Inspector General by Gogol ( finished )
- The Sea by John Banville
- Speak memory By Nabokov ( finished )
- Derek Wallcot : TRhe Star apple kingdom
- Oblomov
-Mary Renault for Bull from the Sea.
d) Rereads
- Proust
- “Lord of the Flies” by William Golding
- The Illiad translated by Faggles
- The Magic Mountain
e) Just an idea
- Danton” by Buchner
- Le Mariage de Loti" par Pierre Loti
- Xenophon
- A Month in the Country by JL Carr
- Rites of Passage by William Golding ( finished )
- Earthly Powers by Anthony Burgess
- Josef Skvorecky : The Cowards
- A fine balance by Rohinton Mistry